Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2011

I don't like so much !

I don't like school
I don't like like me
I don't like you
I don't like my friends
I don't like my parents
I don't like to write a summary
I don't like Germany
I don't like Duisburg
I don't like this weather
I don't like christmas time
I don't like too much summer
I don't like kisses
I don't like comment a text
I don't like french
I don't like spanish
I don't like mathematics
I don't like avocado
I don't like teacher
I don't like idiots
I don't like books
And YES life is borring..

learn for English English English. bäh bäh bäh
English sucks.

An alle Lehrer, Eltern, Erzieher, Besserwisser, Politiker etc.
Wir sind auch nur Menschen, denkt dran.


3 Kommentare:

  1. cooler blog

  2. Ja, aber einer hat 1.50€ gekostet :O bisschen übertrieben, find ich so.
    Englisch ist cool (:
